Wednesday 11 September 2013


There are some uniqueness of our industry, not only in implementing zero waste principles, but also in promoting local wise of Jepara’s carving motif. In implementing zero waste, below is some biocomposite products from wastes (lignocelluloses materials) produced by my industry :

As you want to order my products you can reach at :
Address  : Jalan H. Karmani, Gang Setia Kawan RT. 02 RW. 01, Kecamatan Mlonggo, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, 59452, Indonesia
HP           : Mr. Achmad (+62 821 332 929 91); Ms. Umroh Nur Khayati (+62 812 255 555 09); and Mr. Muslim Anshori (+62 812 253 760 09)


Yet, my wood products alarm and  focus on enhancing green products to customers and markets. First launching is the promotion of interior and exterior wood products obtained from converting solid woods. The following pictures are the above products from our industry:

As you want to order my products you can reach at :
Address  : Jalan H. Karmani, Gang Setia Kawan RT. 02 RW. 01, Kecamatan Mlonggo, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, 59452, Indonesia
HP           : Mr. Achmad (+62 821 332 929 91); Ms. Umroh Nur Khayati (+62 812 255 555 09); and Mr. Muslim Anshori (+62 812 253 760 09)

Tentang kami : Jepara's Biocomposite

Jepara’s biocomposite adalah sebuah industri skala kecil di bidang produksi mebel exterior atau garden furniture dan produk mebel interior untuk skala domestik dan ekspor. Industri ini secara langsung mendapat  bantuan dan bimbingan dari Bank Indonesia dan PT Pilar untuk upaya pengembangan bisnis mebelnya. Industri fokus pada upaya optimalisasi kayu melalui penggunaan limbah atau penerapan prinsip zero waste. Selain itu, industri ini juga berperan penting dalam menghasilkan produk hijau dan melestarikan kearifan lokal melalui penggunaan motif ukiran Jepara. 

Ada dua jenis produk yang ditawarkan dari industri ini, yakni produk mebel eksterior-interior dan produk biokomposit. Sementara itu, produk mebel exterior dan interior yang dihasilkan berupa produk mebel minimalis yang sekarang menjadi trend ekspor, misalnya kursi lipat, kursi bar, meja limbah, almari tipe ukiran, dan sebagainya. Produk bokomposit yang dihasilkan berupa papan komposit yang berbahan baku dari limbah kayu dan limbah serat pertanian (serat lignoselulosa), di antaranya : papan partikel, papan lamina anyaman bambu, papan lamina limbah kayu, dan Oriented Strand Board. Untuk memberikan kekhasan pada setiap produk, dilakukan proses pengukiran produk secara manual dengan penerapan motif ukiran Jepara. 

Hingga kini, industri ini telah memproduksi produk mebel eksterior berupa kursi dan meja tipe garden yang minimalis dan produk mebel interior misalnya almari dan bifet. Selain itu, untuk produk komposit, industri ini telah menghasilkan berbagai macam produk indoor dari papan lamina yang berbahan baku limbah kayu gergajian, misalnya lubang ventilasi, kaligrafi, kursi hias, dan meja hias.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan Anda dapat mengunjungi tempat usaha kami di :
Alamat   : Jalan H. Karmani, Gang Setiakawan RT. 02 RW. 01, Kecamatan Mlonggo, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, 59452, Indonesia
HP           : Ibu Umroh Nur Khayati (+62 812 255 555 09) dan Bapak Muslim Anshori (+62 812 253 760 09)

About Us : Jepara's Biocomposite

The Jepara’s biocomposite is a small scale industry which concerns in manufacturing outdoor furniture products or garden furniture and indoor furniture for domestic and exported wood products. This industry directly gets support and guidance from Bank Indonesia and PT Pilar for developing its furniture business. The industry focuses on the optimalization of solid wood by utilizing wastes or zero waste principles. In other hand, this industry also plays important role on producing green products and on conserving local indigenous of Jepara Regency through implementing Jepara’s Wood Carving Motif. 

There are two furniture kinds provided by the industry, which are interior-exterior furniture products and biocomposite products. Meanwhile, interior and exterior furniture designed uniquely and specially include exterior chair, bar chair, waste table, carved cupboard, and so forth (could be ordered based on the demand of consumers).

Composite products produced in form of biocomposite boards from wood waste and agro-fibers wastes (lignocelluloses materials), such as particle boards, laminated bamboo, laminated wood waste boards and Oriented Strand Board. For giving the differences and uniqueness of each product, it will be done carving process manually with attaching Jepara’s carving motif. 

Yet, this industry has produced exterior furniture products in form of  special garden chair and table, whereas interior furniture products in form of cupboards and small table. In addition, for biocomposite products, the industry has produced indoor products of laminated boards from wood wastes, such as ventilation, caligraph, artistic chair and artistic table.

For further information, kindly contact and visit us:
Address  : Jalan H. Karmani, Gang Setia Kawan RT. 02 RW. 01, Kecamatan Mlonggo, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah, 59452, Indonesia
HP           : Mr. Achmad (+62 821 332 929 91); Ms. Umroh Nur Khayati (+62 812 255 555 09); and Mr. Muslim Anshori (+62 812 253 760 09)